30 Minute Endurance and Stamina Session (My Favorite Workout)

30 Minute Endurance and Stamina Session (My Favorite Workout)

The ultimate 30 Minute Endurance and Stamina session program is for massive muscle building & increase endurance 20 times faster.

Hello everyone, this is Subhajit. Today I will share my favorite workout The stamina session.

In this 30-minute stamina session, I will discuss how to increase your stamina 300% faster within 1 month. This is my favourite workout routine.


Equipment Needed:


1. Gym (with treadmill) or Playground

2. Pull-up bar 

3. Drinking Water or any Energy drink

4. Wrist Watch (running)


Level of workout:

Beginner to Intermediate


30 Minute Endurance and Stamina Session (My Favorite Workout)


Workout Routine:

Before you start your Stamina workout you have to do a 10-15 minute proper Warm-up to maximize your muscle gain.


Start of workout.......


1. Run for 10 minutes or 1 mile at your 70% Vob (Volume of breath rate) 

2. Rest for 2-3 minutes.


'' Now go for strength workout ''-

3. Do 4 sets of pull-ups (5 per set/rest between sets 60 seconds)

4. Run for 2 minutes.
5. Rest for 2-3 minutes.
6. Push-ups 4 sets (25 per set/rest between sets 60 seconds) 
7. Run for 2-3 minutes.
8. Rest for 1 minute.
9. Do 100 Walking Lunges & 100 Squats (rest b/w 30 seconds)
10. Run for 5 minutes (at a sustained pace)


End of workout.......



And after this workout, my recommendation is you should do a 15 minute Core strength workout, for the ultimate result.




Stretching is the most important thing after you any kind of workout. It makes your muscle more flexible and stronger. Stretch after a workout will ready your muscle for the next day workout.

Read: How can I stretch my whole body - Full body stretching routine 

Read: Top 5 Benefits of Flexibility Training and Types

In Bottom Line:

So guys hope you enjoy this endurance routine. 30 Minute Endurance and Stamina Session.

I personally followed this for several years and I got a very good result. It is my assurance if anyone follow the routine properly, got very impressive result with in a week.   

Remember this workout will not be designed for below 15 years or above 60 years or any physically challenged personals. I will not recommend them to do this (view my profile).

Those people are physically fit & try to increase their overall fitness level this stamina session workout program for them. You can use any gym with a treadmill or any playground or any place for running and need a pull-up bar or post to hang.

This is my personal workout routine to increase my overall fitness and breath in less time with more results.

Download or read all my books: Click here

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