How To Increase Mileage For 5x Faster Running - FITSHUB

How To Increase Mileage For 5x Faster Running. Exercise to improve running speed If you want to build running endurance and speed, with recommended methods in a scientific way, then this article is really helpful for you, all in one solution.
Running, Increase Mileage many people think it is connected with our genetics and some people told that it's all about your hard work and determination. It’s an endless debate but I am the second bench boy that means I think also it's all about your hard work and determination because I believe that hard work can beat born talent.

How to Increase Mileage Running?

If you’re a beginner, forget the 10% Rule entirely.  As a beginning runner, your main priority is to run consistently and allow your body to get used to running.  

This probably means running 2-3 days per week for 1-4 miles.  As a newbie, don’t increase your mileage every week.  Keep it the same for 3-4 weeks at a time to allow your body to adjust.  When you’re comfortable, then you can add mileage. 

But before you need to know how to increase your mileage, how to run faster by following some basic rules.

Increase mileage to run faster

Want to Know How to Run Faster? All You Need Are These 4 Tips

  1. Increase your mileage each week. Take a quick look at the structure of a few training plans (even if you're not training for a race just yet). ...
  2. Listen to your body. ...
  3. Add speed to your long runs. ...
  4. Do separate speed workoutsbut don't stress over them


Want to Improve Running Speed? Warm-Up is the key to your success:

A warm-up to lengthen short, tight muscles before running is crucial for preventing injuries that may result if muscles are “cold”. 

A longer muscle is less likely to get injured than a short, tight muscle because it can exert more force with less effort than a short muscle. 

Another benefit of warming up is that it protects tendons. Warm up by slow jogging or walking for five to 10 minutes before you run. After you warm up you need to stretch your hamstrings, quadriceps, hip flexors, groin, calves, Achilles, and the iliotibial band. 

Your warm-up should be Dynamic, not Static & at least 8-10 minutes.

Cool-Down and Stretching is the game-changer 

After completing your run, walk for a few minutes to cool down. It is not a good idea to sprint at the end of your run and then come to a complete stop; this practice may result in an injury. 

Cooling down helps to shift the blood flow from the muscles to the heart and other vital organs. A cool-down lets your heart rate slow down and your body gradually returns to its pre-exercise physiological state.
Cooling down properly and stretching after your run will go a long way towards preventing injuries.

Did you know just 10-minute static starching after running can prepare your muscle 40% ready for the next day run!

Running Gait or Form or style of run:

Different runners may have different running styles. Running is a function of foot-strike, forward stride, body angle, and arm drive. The key is:


Run naturally and remain relaxed.




Foot-strike make you a better runner

For most runners, other than sprinters or very fast runners, the heel-ball footstrike method works well: 

(1) The outside of the heel strikes the surface; 

(2) The foot rolls inwards to the ball of the foot while the knee is slightly bent; and 

(3) The foot lifts off from propulsion provided by the big toe. This method provides good shock   absorption

 Better foot-strike means a better runner.

Longer Forward Stride

The point of foot contact should occur in line with the knee which should be slight flexibility. As you improve and get faster, the length and frequency of your strides will increase and you will begin lifting your knees higher. 

Do not over-stride such that your foot hits the ground ahead of the knee flex (i.e. leg should not be straight at the point of impact). 

Over-striding is hard on the knees, back, and hips and can cause injuries. Short, choppy strides, which usually result from tight or inflexible muscles, require more energy and are inefficient. Run with a relaxed stride and do not exaggerate the knee-lift or back kick. 

Increase Mileage, Body Angle can make a difference between you and our opponent:

Keep your back as straight as naturally possible, your head up, and look ahead. Of course, depending on the terrain you may have to look down to avoid tripping or landing in a hole or rut. 

Lean forward only when going uphill or sprinting as this motion will put stress on leg muscles and may cause back pain and shin splints. Leaning back is not recommended as this puts tremendous pressure on the back and legs and has a “braking effect”. 

The key is to run “tall” and remain relaxed; allow your shoulders to hang in a relaxed manner and let your arms drop from time to time.

Always remember your body angle must be 35 Degree forward bent


Arm Drive increase your speed 5x time fast

While running relax your shoulders, elbows, wrists, and fists and occasionally let your arms hang down at your sides and loosely shake them out. Whereas vigorous pumping of the arms helps sprinters, it is unnecessary during distance running.


 Faster arm drive means hard to beat you.


Running Surfaces

The ideal running surface is flat, firm, smooth, and provides some shock absorption. Other running surfaces include treadmills and water. Treadmills are very popular at fitness centers and may also be available to you when deployed aboard a ship. 

Most treadmills are state of the art in terms of cushioning and you can control the speed and intensity of your workout. 

Perhaps the biggest problem when working out on a treadmill is the boredom that is often associated with the monotony of the unchanging environment and the consistent pace. A portable cassette player or radio may be helpful, particularly during longer runs.

Deepwater or aqua running is mainly used for rehabilitating injured athletes as it takes the pressure off of injured muscles and joints while providing cardiovascular benefits similar to those obtained with running on the surface. This type of running is becoming popular at various swim centers.

Choose the perfect shoes according to your foot type

Read:  How to choose the perfect running shoes  

And Always Maintain a proper diet plan


If you maintain all of the above written in the post I assured you that you will be a Better & Faster runner within some time. 

Within a week you will look at major changes in your running, and I hope you enjoy this post How To Increase Mileage For 5x Faster Running. Exercise to improve running speed.  I am sure it is helpful for you if you are a runner or either a common man. 

To conclude the total post, you got many aspects. First of all, If you’re a beginner, forget the 10% Rule entirely.  As a beginning runner, your main priority is to run consistently and allow your body to get used to running. 

Know how to run faster, Increase your mileage each week and always Listen to your body. Do not forget to warm up. warm-up to lengthen short, tight muscles before running is crucial for preventing injuries that may result if muscles are “cold”.  

Remember post stretch is equally important as the warm-up. Foot-strike makes you a better runner. Keep your back as straight as naturally possible, your head up, and look ahead. Of course, depending on the terrain you may have to look down to avoid tripping or landing in a hole or rut. 

How to increase running speed and stamina How to increase running speed in 2 weeks. Everyone is gaining weight in a different way nowadays and now it is your choice which is better for you. 

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